Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Soup's on!

After living with celiacs disease for a few years, I had given up on any form of canned soup. A lot of them were watery, or had a strange after taste to them. Most of them were just simply pureed vegetables, and made me feel like I was eating baby food. The only way I found I was enjoying soup was by spending a day slow cooking soups from scratch. As satisfying as this is, it can be hard to accomplish with an 18 credit semester on top of a part time job.

My mother recently brought home a can of Progresso gluten free soup. I was hesitant at first, but was hopeful that there might be an easy dinner in this. I tried Progresso's Corn and Chicken Chowder with Bacon. It was so good. It was thick and creamy, and tasted just like I remember chowders tasting. The bowl of warm comfort was exactly what I needed this cold week. I tried the Clam Chowder today for lunch, and it was absolutely superb!

Things to keep in mind:
Make sure if you are trying any of the Progresso soups, that it has a gluten free label on it. The ones I have tried have a large golden gluten free label right on the front of the can.

Buy one can at first, then go back for others. Some of the soup is different styled than the original recipe so make sure you like it before you stock up.

I highly recommend this line of gluten free soups. The grocery store near me is having a sale on Progresso soups, so I am going to stock up for the cold months ahead!

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